Mobile and Manufactured Home Loans


At Versara Capital, a knowledgable and experienced lender in the state, we offer products that very few lenders do. Because we are owned and operate as a family office, we have no outside institutions putting pressure on the loan options we can provide you! 

This is why, unlike many other traditional and hard money lenders, Versara Capital lends on Mobile and manufactured homes. Our family office solutions allows us to price a tailored financing solution to meet and exceed your needs! Financing available in as soon as 24 hours on some products, we are here to help you get funded. 

Mobile and Manufactured Homes Built before 1976

Many mobile homes built before 1976, even with modifications, fail to meet the compliance standards set by the HUD code. As a result, the government, including FHA, does not insure mortgages on manufactured constructed prior to June 15th, 1976. This can make the loan process difficult and securing financing near impossible through most other channels. 

However at Versara Capital, we proudly offer loans on these properties, enabling you to unlock the investment potential of older mobile and manufactured homes. 

Un-Affixed Mobile Home Loans 

Other mobile home owners, especially ones newer than 1976 can run into other obstacles when looking for financing solutions. When your mobile home is no longer affixed to the land or has been moved from a different location, it can seriously hurt your chances of securing financing from a typical buyer. 

Whether your mobile has been on the move or has stayed put, we are committed to helping you finance these properties. 

Single Wide Loans

With over 54% of manufactured homes denied of financing, for various reasons, it's no wonder why purchasing and investing in these properties can feel heavy. 

Whether you have a single wide or double, we are here to help be your trusted source of financing. 

We believe in empowering mobile home owners and investors, with flexible, accessible, and reliable financing options. Contact us today to explore how our tailored loan solutions can help you unlock the potential of mobile and manufactured home ownership. 


Start your hard money loan application today! Call us at (602) 362-6645 or click below.

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